Labels: News, politics | at 3:37 PM
BOY! The underlying drama of each day in the White House lately is so bizarre; even Stephen King couldn't make this crap up!
79 year old Pennsylvania Senator, Arlen Specter today (after closed door meetings with Harry Reid & the ilk), decided the only chance he has to win his next election bid in 2010 is to CHANGE PARTIES and become a Democrat! Pat Toomey almost beat him in the last election, and will most likely beat him for sure in 2010.
Specter's decision now gives the Senate the desperately desired 60 vote majority that is filibuster- proof. The current group of politicians has long been in chase of this victory. They wiled their way around folks until they found the perfect fall guy...the guy that is centrist and moderate, and the guy that's 79 years old!
My Daddy told me LONG YEARS AGO!!!, " matter how little or how much you have...ALWAYS stand by your God, Family, Principles, Guns, & Money...for if you CAN be WILL MOST CERTAINLY BE SOLD later on!
#1: The Democrats WILL sell Arlen Specter down the river later on...he will FOREVER be beholding to them for whatever was spoken in that back room.
#2: The Democrats of Pennsylvania SHOULD NOT vote for this guy in 2010! Find your own qualified candidate that stands by his own convictions. If Arlen Specter turned on his party of 40 years...he will turn on you if the offer is good enough! BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE!
#3: WE WILL NEVER KNOW the underlying promises of this deal, but trust me, it's ugly. I believe Mr. Specter will long regret selling his soul for political gain...or not...
#4: THE GOVERNMENT - NEITHER REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT - CAN PROTECT AGAINST - KARMA! The karmic circle is infinite, holds NO ALLEGIANCE to anyone or anything but the force within it, and it never ends, and is never just goes on and on.
Straightedge Toast
| at 3:27 PM
This guy maybe has my favorite bad tattoos of all time. Ever. Period.
Possibly because I have a real soft spot for straight edge tattoos and punk/hc tattoos, possibly because they are just hilarious.
Description from the horse's mouth below:
All my friends have toast tattoos, because when you're poor and dumpster for your food bread is always readily available - it's this thing that kinda unifies us at this point in our lives. The Earth Crisis theme came about when some silly hardline XVX kids were staying at this punk house and talking about how belittling a band with serious issues is a bad thing, and how EC was cool and really helped push ideas into hardcore, and then they started insulting the people who lived at that house by degrading them and saying they had bad views, even making someone get near the verge of crying because she ate sparingly fish.
I realized that the lyrics for the beginning of Firestorm worked really well with toast (the original lyrics for those who don't know are "Street by street/block by block/taking it all back", referring to cleansing a neighborhood of drug dealers.) I went and got the tattoo done in an hour, showed them, and started drinking and eating cheese for the rest of the night (even though I was vegan at the time.) They stopped talking to me, and left shortly after.
I'm going to be getting a tattoo really soon that is based off of the anarchist atheist saying "No Gods, No Masters", but its gonna say "Dogs, No Masters" and have a kennel on fire and someone holding a leash with his brains blown out, and upside down crosses made of milk bones. I didn't think up that saying, though
Pelosi Didn't Know - Reid Didn't Read
Labels: Humor, politics | at 1:43 AM
One of our local State Assemblymen posted this on Facebook today as a "reminder" for those that need a refresher course in government and I laughed my butt off!
Perhaps those in Washington DC too need to re-watch. I REMEMBER THIS...DON'T YOU?
Michele Beard NEW Nevada GOP Chairman (Washoe County/Reno) - Harry Reid NO MORE!
Labels: Nevada, News, politics, Reno | at 12:35 AM
Tonight, Reno, NV made history. Reno is Washoe County, and we elected a new President/Chair for the Washoe County Republicans. CONGRATULATIONS! TO MICHELE BEARD!
Sounds simple enough, but it's NOT! Washoe County has about 500,000 citizens...along with the rural counties that add a few more to Northern Nevada. Reno is the forever "labeled" red-headed step child of Las Vegas (Clark County). It's NOT! Reno, Sparks/Washoe County IS THE BACKBONE of the Nevada Republican Party and the DIRE DESIRE to become what the GOP used to stand for. Las Vegas/Henderson comprises TWO OF THE THREE congressional districts in Nevada! Sadly, Clark County (due to its close proximity to California and the mass influx of residents that moved here from CA) is HUGELY Liberal! We do have a Republican Senator from Vegas...but it's tough down South, and my jury's out on Senator Ensign's true commitment to true Conservatism due to the sheer pressure of the Libs there on his positions.
In what I'm going to call a surprising defeat, our own "term-limited-out" State Senator Maurice Washington lost to Michele at the election tonight. The great part of good politics (yes there are GOOD politics), is that when you have two great candidates running, someone must lose.
I saw grass roots America speak out tonight in Washoe County, and I am pleasantly surprised, but that comes with a great plea to give the deserved person that won the support she needs from the ENTIRE NATION! WE MUST DEFEAT HARRY REID IN 2010!
I will admit here on this blog that I voted for State Senator Washington...FOR THE REASON THAT HE HAS NOTORIETY, IS A GREAT AND FABULOUS ORATOR, STICKS 95% TO ALL CONSERVATIVE VALUES, AND COULD BE A NATIONAL NAME THAT FOLKS COULD RECOGNIZE in our fight to defeat Harry Reid in 2010. He has a LOT of experience that would have made him a viable candidate :) I also thought he could stand a better chance of raising the estimated $30,000,000 it's thought will take to DEFEAT Harry Reid! Scary isn't it...that a little 'ole state in the Wild Wild West must raise a freaking 30 MILLION in order to defeat bad judgment! He is a GREAT NEVADAN, he is a GREAT and often lonely voice voting FOR US in our Nevada Legislature! I really love the dickens out of this guy...but Nevada, Washoe County chose another GREAT NEVADAN...a simple everyday local GREAT AMERICAN, NEVADAN to hold this position!
However...let it ALSO BE SAID ON THIS BLOG...that Michele Beard has been EVERYWHERE in the last few years where Northern Nevada Politics has had a voice. Her dedication to the GOP in Nevada has been impeccable! She is KNOWLEDGEABLE, she has a great military background, she knows the in's and out's of EVERY ASPECT of the county's voting population. She has been tireless in her efforts to support every qualified and successful Nevada Conservative elected official from dog catcher to senator! She WAS PRESENT for all the woes and wants while Nevada struggled through having many viable Presidential Candidates in 2008 come through Nevada, a Swing State...and even though some didn't want McCain...she fought hard to try and promote him as the MORE VIABLE candidate (ANYBODY BUT) Obama.
She has served completely dedicated and without pay to the exiting President/Chair of our county's GOP for multiple years. Our GOP offices are all based on a volunteer basis. Probably the thing that hurt Senator Washington was the desire to have a paid staff. NEVADA CONSERVATIVES ARE ALL ABOUT NOT SPENDING MONEY WHERE MONEY DOESN'T NEED TO BE us crazy...we NEED money...but for our candidates to WIN...NOT to pay the people informed and active in getting them there :)
Michele pulls no punches, she works hard and fair through honesty, parliamentary procedure, she listens to the people, and is beholding to NO ONE. She's never held any "official paid office" regarding politics that I know of. She's only attended legislation...not been "one of them"...and she is a bit plain in her appearance to the public. What I mean by she isn't a dynamic speaker, she doesn't move mountains when she speaks...she just does, and she just says it like it is...BUT what she says is correct to a fault, and she's always given her positions her all. You know...JUST A NORMAL FOLK LIKE ALL OF WE ARE!
I figured tonight that our "more public and popular" State Senator that has served many terms as a State politician was a shoe in for the office. grass roots as Senator Washington IS... it proved to be that Nevadans WANT REAL grass roots and REAL locals to head our County Political Party ;)
Tonight's vote was HARD for me. I was undecided up until the last moment. I had enough faith in our grass roots body that I believed that IT'S IMPORTANT ENOUGH to get rid of Reid that I voted for someone I thought could have a little better shot at making that happen.
I actually held my pen in hand and twitched a couple of times...before I voted. SO...I CAN SAY WITH A CLEAR CONSCIENCE THAT I'M PROUD OF MICHELE!!! It was that last twitch of my pen that made me X the other candidate.
So to my nation... To my readers... To ANYONE that thought that someone more "famous" should have won...WATCH OUT! Michele will be here for us all...(and if she finds a hard day... there's plenty of US to pick her up), even Senator Washington and the REST OF THE REPUBLICAN LEGISLATURE!!!...THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES NEEDS TO BE BEHIND THIS WOMAN!!!
HELP Michelle! Send her e-mails! Send the Nevada GOP MONEY! Harry Reid ALREADY has $7,000,000 (SEVEN MILLION) dollars in his fund. Washoe County has $43,000 in it's fund. People donate ALL THE TIME to PAC groups that SAY they will defeat Harry Reid. HARRY REID LIVES IN NEVADA! Donate to NEVADA'S REPUBLICAN PARTY...that's the ONLY way we can help YOU get him OUT!
I'm VERY proud of Michele Beard tonight. She showed me that America is TRULY turning to WE THE PEOPLE to take this country back. I will support her and the Northern Nevada GOP to TAKE USA BACK!!!
Michele can be e-mailed at You may help US DEFEAT Harry Reid by sending $1 at a time, $5 at a time to the Washoe County Republican Party / PO Box 1886 / Reno, NV 89509. If you don't wish to send money...SEND YOUR IDEAS AND SUGGESTIONS! Help us defeat Harry Reid in 2010.
Hoot Framed Roger Rabbit?
| at 2:45 AM
Owl tattoos now has it's first in-progress-to-finished-piece, thanks to Kolleen, whose owl-tline was previously featured here. Lookin' Good!
Hoot Potatoes
| at 1:12 AM
A few more reader submissions from the past week...
The above owl was sent in by Kayla.
Gene sent in the above black and grey owl.
And finally, Ann sent in this cute little fella, by Daniella at Blue Lotus Tattoo in Madison, WI, and was one of a rising number of people to say that this blog helped influence them. Glad to be of service!
"It ain't the hoot; it's the humility"
| at 2:52 AM
Reject Reid Tea Party Protest - Nevada Tea Parties
Labels: News, politics, Rants, Reno | at 8:37 PM
Nevada spoke out today in fine fashion. In Carson City, NV our capitol, crowd estimates are between 2000-3000. The streets were lined with law abiding, tax paying, fiscally responsible, AMERICAN patriots whom have been labeled by the Obama DHS as "right wing extremists", this link IS THE REPORT. The funny side of that is that among our thousands that held tea parties in Nevada today...MANY were in fact Democrats. Welcome Democrats to the "domestic terrorist" category LOL! (Pictures from Carson from KRNV Channel 4 Reno). I even saw one sign that said "Obama-YES - Harry Reid - NO". Just goes to show you that ALL Americans are TEA'D OFF!
You Tube Video HERE :) Isn't it funny that we were SUCH a PEACEFUL crowd, laughing a lot, and having local citizens HONK at us a lot..and we ended up NO THREAT to society :) I couldn't get my camera up quick enough, but EVEN a police car flashed a PRO sign to us from a window. I could only catch most of it with my eyes as it turned, but I think it said "Don't Spread My Wealth, Spread My Work Ethic". It was PRICELESS and damn...couldn't get it quick enough :) Thank you to our local police officers that KNEW we were a peaceful yet determined crowd, and appreciated our laughter, music, signs, and our peaceful demonstration! GO RENO RPD You guys ROCK!
It ALSO ROCKED that a RTC Bus Driver HONKED at us, and so did a Waste Management truck. It was so COOL that people of ALL walks of life from the elite wealthy to the working guys & gals that couldn't join us ALL AGREE that it's damn TIME that WE THE PEOPLE are represented!
IF YOU DON'T WANT TO READ THE WHOLE STORY...SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM FOR THE SLIDE SHOW OF PICTURES :) (OR...CLICK HERE FOR YOU TUBE ANTI-REID COVERAGE :) Or, search You Tube for Reject Reid 2010 Tea Party :) I even "made the paper" with a direct quote to a local Reno Gazette Journal reporter :)
Unfortunately, I couldn't attend Carson's rally...I had a business to attend to...but I was proudly in attendance in Reno this evening for the REJECT REID 2010 demonstration / tea party. We were proudly donned in our red "Reject Reid" T-shirts complete with tea bag necklaces with stars, flags, and even an elephant :). We fought the bitter cold and terrible winds. Approximately 200+ folks showed up for the event.
This event was sparked largely due to outrage that our own Republican Mayors Bob Cashell (Reno) right, and Geno Martini (Sparks) left, were co-hosts at a downtown Reno reception/fund raiser for the DIShonorable Stinky Pinky Harry Reid. Minimum $500 donation, but suggested $2000 PAC contribution was expected to allow entrance to this dastardly event
In my video I caught Mayor Geno Martini coming out of the reception. He was all smiles, and gracious to our crowd. I heard one attendee say to him cheerfully, "Shame on You!". He replied with a cheerful (shrugged shoulders), "Oh Well..." Oh Well mayor...enjoy your term, you WON'T be re-elected by Nevada Republicans...get that resume polished up :)
Amazingly, and I'm sure as a campaign strategy...Harry Reid agreed FINALLY to appear on our local Conservative talk radio station KKOH today on the Bill Manders Show. Opposite him, our other senator (R) John Ensign had the other portion of the show. Click HERE FOR HARRY REID'S PORTION PODCAST, (Click HERE for direct ITunes download), and then you may CLICK HERE FOR JOHN ENSIGN'S PORTION PODCAST, (Click HERE for direct ITunes Download).
I've got to say...I've said openly that John Ensign seems to me to be a bit of a RINO. He was the ONLY Nevada official in Washington to vote FOR the stimulus bill. His voting record is a bit less of RIGHT than I would like, but on this program...he sure seems now to be towing a different line? He's CERTAINLY better than our Democratic representatives, but "I dunno yet" as they say... Ensign too, is from the Liberal South Nevada, from I'm not sure about him yet. He seems to be getting on board... possibly it took WE THE PEOPLE to show him a better route. I wish better days for him, and hope he finally grows the cajones to stand with HIS PEOPLE ;) Today, he did speak with reason and Conservative tone.
You may check out the great REJECT REID 2010 event by CLICKING HERE for my You Tube video coverage :) All I could muster in the wind with signs was my Canon G7 point & shoot video, so some of the footage is less than professional quality, but there are some good moments to be seen.
Former State Senator - Colonel & Dr. Joe Heck who has announced his run for Governor was present. He is a graduate of some impressive Military Stragetic training, was an Army Corp doctor, and was a Colonel. I don't have an opinion on him yet...he's from Clark County (Las Vegas...HUGELY LIBERAL), so I've read some negative typical liberal dribble on him...but haven't studied him enough yet to form a real educated opinion. He seems really down to earth though, seems fiscally conservative, and so far so good. He was supposed to have spoken at my last NvFRW board meeting, his wife came instead...he was called away on some military business of some sort...I admired that. She was engaging and who knows, Joe Heck just might have a shot...we'll see as time plays out. AT LEAST TODAY...he cared enough about the OTHER Congressional district in the North to SHOW UP :)
By the way for you that are outside Nevada...Las Vegas comprises TWO (2) Congressional districts. THE ENTIRE REST OF THE STATE is the "other" district. Look at a freaking MAP! Nevada is one of the largest states in the Union...ONE CITY (+ SURBURBS) comprise TWO districts...the ENTIRE state is left as the other district, and we are HUGELY CONSERVATIVE in the "rest" of Nevada :) That includes my city of my county...about 500,000 residents! There's still Carson City, the capitol, and all of the rural areas...comprising Ely, Elko, Winnemucca, Fallon, Fernley, Gardnerville, Minden, Yerington, etc.
A fair note here: North Las Vegas mayor Mike Montandon also spoke to us at our board meeting, and is also running as a Republican gubentorial candidate. He was impressive as well, has great points, and seemed to be a qualified candidate too. I don't want to see TOO MANY good Republicans put their name in the bucket...because RORY REID...YEP...THE SON OF BIG STINKY PINKY HARRY REID has announced his run on the Democratic side for Governor. WE CANNOT ALLOW ANOTHER REID INTO ANY OFFICE!!!!...NOT EVEN DOG CATCHER!!!
All in all, IT WAS A GREAT DAY for Nevadans. It is a shame that in the "rural...more 'redneck' part of Nevada"...which means outside Las Vegas...THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE turned out in their particular towns and cities for Tea Parties. The area of Nevada (2 Congressional districts) (where Harry Reid hails from) mustered an estimated 500 people for their rally :(
NEVADA WILL NEED THE HELP OF THE REST OF THE NATION TO OFF HARRY REID IN 2010! He will have MILLIONS in campaign donations by the time of the election. If you've ever considered donating money to a campaign outside your own state...PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING to whichever Conservative candidate Nevada puts forth in 2010.
Slide Show of Today's WONDERFUL events :)
More amazing back pieces
Labels: amazing back pieces, angels, awful tattoos, bad tattoos, dragons, fantasy, pinup girls, worst ever, wtf is this | at 7:41 AM
What happened to this angel's feet? Don't they look just like stumps? Also why is one angel stomping the other one's head? I think I see some horns on the bottom angel there, so maybe it's Lucifer being shown what's up.
Let me show you a wonderful trio of ridiculous back tattoos:
Now I know that this photo was taken mid-scabby-stage so I won't be *too* harsh about the quality of the tattooing here, because it's really hard to tell. HOWEVER, it's impossible to tell what's going on! I do see some flaming dice, and a '3', but what are the weird globby things on each shoulder? They look like rotting lettuce.
Okay, now this one just confuses me. I am under the assumption that it's not finished. The triangle thing on the left is one of the worst tattoos I've seen, but seems like a pretty explainable bad tattoo to get. The Japanese guy on the right is not actually that bad, and obviously isn't done yet. What REALLY baffles me though, is what is on the bottom. It looks like a scratched on sunbathing girl at the beach! IT CAN'T BE SO! sdlkfjslfjs! Amazing.