Brianna Denison Dead

Brianna Denison is dead. Reno police has confirmed that the body found yesterday in South Reno was in fact Brianna. The cause of death was strangulation, and the totality of the evidence confirms a sexually motivated crime. There is a serial rapist on the loose in our community.

Brianna’s monster attempted a sexual assault back in November. He successfully assaulted another woman in December, but took her home. DNA from her case tied him to DNA found at the scene of Brianna’s abduction. There is another on-campus attack that may still turn out to be related. It is truly a sad day in this city. It hits particularly close to my heart because I have a son that is a freshman at the University. His dorm is just across the street from where Brianna Denison was taken. All my son’s friends are her age, and all of them are just beautiful young women. Brianna was so gorgeous, and so loved by those around her. This is so tragic and unnecessary.

Someone in this community knows this man. Reno is also a well known tourist destination. Our casinos and entertainment venues draw regular visitors from California, Oregon, and Washington citizens. It could be someone traveling here on weekends or on a regular basis. Facts though lead me to believe he lives here in our community. He has a good knowledge of the Northern University area of our city. Now that Brianna was found in South Reno, he may work or live in that area as well.

He is described as a small man, but strong. He is 5’6” to 6’ tall, a white man with a firm stomach and light colored hair on his arms. He has light brown / dirty blonde very short hair. He had a goatee, unshaven face of about ¼ inch and the facial hair was soft to the touch. A distinguishing fact is that his pubic area was shaven. He was in a white extended cab truck or SUV that required a step to get into it. The surviving victim noticed a stereo with red and blue lights, and a baby shoe on the floorboard of the vehicle.

I want to extend a deep hearted wish of comfort and solace to Brianna’s family. No mother can imagine the horror of this kind of news. May God bring peace and may the knowledge of Brianna in heaven eventually allow your pain to be tolerable. God bless you all.

Persons in our community and surrounding communities need to be on their toes. Perhaps our monster has been to your town and hurt someone there. Any lead could be vital, small details usually break big cases. Call our local authorities if you have any information. Anyone with information can reach the Reno police hot line at (775)-745-3521, detectives at (775)-334-2115 or Secret Witness at (775)-322-4900. Secret Witness is offering a $2,500 reward for anonymous tips that lead to an arrest and prosecution.

Meanwhile, Doug Henry remains missing since May 2007…

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