Gwen Ifill to Host VP Debate

I don't know about you...but I have to call a HUGE BULLSHIT on this one. You see, I grasp the concept of THREE (of many) VITAL THINGS that can allow our nation to operate on a friendly basis... (1) Non-Partisan/Bi-Partisan, (2) Sensible & GOOD for the MAJORITY of Americans, (3) CONFLICT OF INTEREST!

You don't even have to be able to pass junior high to NOT KNOW when something is a huge conflict of interest, therefore invading the premise of what's good for everybody or FAIR. The choosing of Gwen Ifill for the moderator of tomorrow's VP debate was a BAD CHOICE. She has a book, "Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama" due to be released on inauguration day! I suppose her favorable comments of Obama in the book would be to the normal guy enough to raise a flag; but it's more the release date of her book that matters to me. If Obama loses the election, her book gets very little notice...if Obama WINS...she stands to MAKE MILLIONS! Conflict of interest people, and it's blatently obvious.

I think what I think, it's a free country. I also run businesses...I KNOW that I serve a vast public, all of which do not agree with me. Aside from some yard signs or bumper stickers on my bulletin board if you enter my inner sanctum the office...I will FOREVER treat ALL MY CUSTOMERS the same way. All clients will receive the best we can give them on any given day. Business has nothing to do with politics when it comes to our advertising. Politics may enter into WHERE I decide to spend my advertising dollars, (you spend your ad dollars where you get the most value back...DUH). So I spend my ad dollars where I find I get just so happens that I get the best results in good places... Mostly I advertise on local TV stations, and during times that are totally bi-partisan. I advertise on radio stations that play is universal...nobody cares the political position of someone listening to great music. However, I have to say also for the record...from ALL MY ADVERTISING...the place I get the GREATEST RESULTS dollar for dollar is KKOH AM radio in Reno...a conservative talk show station. GO FIGURE THAT! The MOST bang for my advertising buck is returned by conservative talk radio on a still existing AM station! Just goes to show ya!

Emerson, AT&T, and Wachovia are the sponsors for tomorrow's debate...among others I'm sure. There is no time or availability to prove these sources because the debate hasn't happened. But, from sources I trusted...I got these contacts. I'm going on a limb to post them here to hope that you will act too...after all...IT'S TOMORROW...

Barrett Hadican (Emerson) 314-982-9101

Chelsey Ilten (AT&T)

Sue Madden (Wachovia)

Even if the information is correct...these people will be protected as soon as the e-mail boxes or voice mail boxes begin to fill...but I tried :)

I won't call someone on the phone because I would never actually GET that person anyway, and I don't believe in trying to bother them incessently while their worlds are crumbling down around them. These people "have people" to monitor that activity anyway. You try if you like... But...below are the e-mails I sent to the other addresses. They were similar in nature...but different, so I'll publish them both. If the information given me was wrong, I'd apologize but with a demand to know if not THEM...then WHO can I send this e-mail to (like they'd tell me)? We as a people must begin to stand up for ourselves and the wool that's being pulled over our eyes. It's gone on for way too long.

My E-mails Sent...(Both were titled "Nice Job Socialist", and both were signed Concerned Citizen...


"How am I surprised that AT&T is the sponsor of the Obamanesce VP-Debate. Nice going placing Ifill that has a book hitting the shelves on inauguration day about the "Times of Obama" at the position of moderator! Possibly one of the things that you should really learn from this debacle is the true definition of "Conflict of Interest" and the true definition of "Bi-Partisan". How is it that you got to a position like yours and in charge of choosing a moderator for the debate and you or none of your "ADVISORS - SUPERIORS" explained this part to you! This bill is a failure, you with these attitudes will eventually fail with or without the govt. Handout...and all its excesses that line the pockets of folks like you.

People like you and your ilk are the problem NOT THE SOLUTION! And...don't EVEN play the card of "I just work here...AT&T is a sponsor, but I'm only the chick in charge that had to do what my bosses wanted me to." I'll be willing to bet your salary is of a very decent's your character that's small. You cannot be so dumb in a position like yours to NOT KNOW this little ditty wouldn't come back to bite you. A person with true character wouldn't work for people that play these games. Keep lining your pockets though and save wisely. When the American people come to uprise against prudence and back toward the principles this country was founded'll need all your pennies to survive. Eyes are on you...and your company. No wonder my e-mail has so many glitches from time to time...they have other people like you in charge of that dept."


"How am I surprised that Wachovia (another FAILED bank) is the sponsor of the Obamanesce VP-Debate. Nice going placing Ifill that has a book hitting the shelves on inauguration day about the "Times of Obama" at the position of moderator! Possibly one of the things that could have saved your bank from failing would have been a clear definition of CONFLICT OF INTEREST! You people deserved to fail, and fail you will with or without the govt. Handout...and all its excesses that line the pockets of folks like you.

People like you and your ilk are the problem NOT THE SOLUTION! And...don't EVEN play the card of "I just work here...Wachovia is a sponsor, but I'm only the chick in charge that had to do what my bosses wanted me to." I'll be willing to bet your salary is of a very decent's your character that's small. You cannot be so dumb in a position like yours to NOT KNOW this little ditty wouldn't come back to bite you. A woman with true character wouldn't work for people that play these games. Keep lining your pockets though and save wisely. When the American people come to uprise against prudence and back toward the principles this country was founded'll need all your pennies to survive. Eyes are on you...and your company."

I will say this for the record. Based on THIS STORY Ifill seems like she can handle both her book and the debate professionaly. I get that opinion quite normally on my own, but also due to this fair and balanced video

I also believe that people are quite capable of multi-tasking. I ask myself if she would have published a book that's Pro-McCain...would I believe the same? Yes I would. My beef is NOT WITH GWEN's with the people that CHOSE HER AS MODERATOR. It is THEIR hidden agenda that's wrong...and...Ifill herself should have chosen another day to shine. A simple recusal KNOWING that she had this book was coming out...should have been enough. If she had a book coming out titled ""Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of McCain", she should have also recused herself...but beyond that...

NO PERSON WITH A BOOK COMING OUT ON INAUGURATION DAY TITLED "Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of McCain" would have been chosen as moderator :)

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