Mayors Bob Cashell & Geno Martini Are TRAITORS

As if the Republican Party doesn't have enough on its plate to revive Conservative principle and fiscal responsibility...we in Reno and Sparks Nevada have to hear of this traitorous action by OUR OWN REPUBLICAN MAYORS!

We find out, courtesy of the Ralston Flash - that before Republicans even know who their candidate is going to be against U.S. Sen. Harry Reid next year that two Republican mayors - Reno Mayor Bob Cashell and Sparks Mayor Geno Martini - are helping him raise money for his re-election campaign. Check out the invitation HERE

"McDonald-Carano-Wilson, LLP and Reno Mayor Bob Cashell and Sparks Mayor Geno Martini and Carson City Mayor Bob Crowell Invite YOU to a recption honoring Senator Harry Reid United States Senate Majority Leader Wednesday April 15th, 2009 5:00pm - 6:00pm. McDonald Carano Wilson Law Firm / 100 West Liberty, 10th Floor / Reno, NV 89501. $500 Suggested Minimum Contribution / $2000 Suggested Federal PAC Contribution. "Checks Payable to 'Friends for Harry Reid' " For more information, please contact Chris Anderson at (218)-340-5564 or" Contributions or gifts to Friends for Harry Reid are not tax deductible. Paid for and authorized by Friends for Harry Reid."

Coincidentally, the Cashell/Martini fundraiser for Harry Reid is being held in Reno on the exact same night as the Nevada Republican Party's spring Central Committee meeting in Carson City. I guess the Republican mayors won't be able to make the Republican meeting.

I am appalled and disgusted. The "DIS-honorable" Stinky Pinky Harry Reid has already done ENOUGH to screw the nation...and if the bail-outs to the tune of TRILLIONS weren't enough, he only managed to get a mere 1.5 Billion in bail out stimulus dollars for HIS home state of Nevada...most of which were projects and funding for bullshit items. He's a one man demolition crew for the demise of the Yucca Mountain Nuclear project that could raise billions for our state, and he is a socialist encouraging Barack Obama at every turn to wallow all Americans into decades of debt. This man is the scurge of Nevada and your Washington DC.


Harry Reid is to America what leprosy was to the islands years ago. He is a cancerous sore, a gangrene smelling lecherous nastiness to any citizen of this nation. He is the largest embarrassment to Nevada that we've had in years, and his agenda is tainted.

Tainted is the kindest thing I could ever say about this moron, and I CANNOT BELIEVE my own Republican leaders, our mayors are supporting him for a MINIMUM $500 donation / SUGGESTED PAC donation of $2000 to attend a function to raise money in Reid's honor.

Mayor Bob Cashell, Mayor Geno Martini...your days are finely numbered now. Your constituents WILL NOT STAND FOR get your resumes' ready! You're gonna be looking for a new job come re-election time! Your traitorous, and treasonous!

And to think...this "honorable reception function" will be held ON THE SAME NIGHT as the Spring Republican Committee meeting in our capitol of Carson City! Since you're SO BUSY that night, we'll all be at that meeting planning YOUR demise :) With pleasure :)

The republicans of Nevada equate Mayor Bob Cashell's & Mayor Geno Martini's willingness to spend $2000 for one hour at a law firm with the co-largest moron in the nation (Nancy Pelosi shares that honor) to a blatent punch in our guts, one at a time and each mortally wounded.

Bye Bye Mayors :)

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