Fred Thompson Responds To Iowa Results


I think it's pretty evident that Fred Thompson did very well in Iowa. And, with the knowledge that votes were in the hundreds of thousands for Republicans there, and in the literal hundreds for Democrats in Iowa, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that thousands of evil minded Iowans with less than savory character jumped the party fences and voted in the Republican caucus to try and stack in a victor that Democrats feel would be the easiest to defeat.

It's legal in Iowa to do that, but as the old saying goes, "Just because you can doesn't mean you should, or make it right to do so."

Congratulations Fred on a very nice showing in Iowa. I stood by my word and sent in a donation. I encourage every one else to do so as well. Every dollar helps, and even at a mere few dollars per supporter...$1 bills and $5 dollar bills can turn into a million bills very quickly.

For the convenience of my readers, there is a direct link to donate to Fred Thompson on the right sidebar of this blog.

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