!Helpful advise!
From artist to you.

Created by: "Nokia design competition"
Every person that thinks they can buy a tattoo machine and start inking up their friends has to remember one key element - the prevention of cross-contamination. This is the part that can make your "clients" really sick or even kill them, but your average inexperienced tattooer usually doesn't really know how. As long as they've got a working machine, a needle,some ink, and can draw, they think its cool to tattoo, right? Check this out
"The National Center for Health Statistics estimates that between 6.5 million to 33 million cases of food borne illness occur in the United States each year. Worldwide,As many as 9,000 people in the United States alone, die yearly."
First of all, what is cross-contamination? The glossary describes it as "the spreading of germs, bacteria and/or disease by carrying them from an infected area to a non-infected area". We'll use the kitchen as an example. Raw meats are very likely to be contaminated with bacteria such as Staph, Salmonella, and E-coli which can make you very sick if you ingest it. Blood-borne pathogens are the microorganisms that carry infection, Hepatitis, AIDS, and a host of other illnesses. This isn't a little tummy ache from bad potato salad. These are serious diseases that can be carried in people's blood. When you tattoo or pierce someone, you come in contact with blood and bodily fluids.
If you prepare a hamburger tainted with bacteria and then go wash your hands, you have just contaminated the faucet you touched to turn the water on.The next time you touch that faucet, even if your hands are clean, you re-contaminate your hands. Now if you go and touch someone's plate, they may touch their fully-cooked (and now safe) hamburger on that tiny area you touched and re-contaminate their meat. " OK, this has little to do with tattooing or body piercing, right? This is where this article applies to you.
"The National Center for Health Statistics estimates that between 6.5 million to 33 million cases of food borne illness occur in the United States each year. Worldwide,As many as 9,000 people in the United States alone, die yearly."
First of all, what is cross-contamination? The glossary describes it as "the spreading of germs, bacteria and/or disease by carrying them from an infected area to a non-infected area". We'll use the kitchen as an example. Raw meats are very likely to be contaminated with bacteria such as Staph, Salmonella, and E-coli which can make you very sick if you ingest it. Blood-borne pathogens are the microorganisms that carry infection, Hepatitis, AIDS, and a host of other illnesses. This isn't a little tummy ache from bad potato salad. These are serious diseases that can be carried in people's blood. When you tattoo or pierce someone, you come in contact with blood and bodily fluids.
If you prepare a hamburger tainted with bacteria and then go wash your hands, you have just contaminated the faucet you touched to turn the water on.The next time you touch that faucet, even if your hands are clean, you re-contaminate your hands. Now if you go and touch someone's plate, they may touch their fully-cooked (and now safe) hamburger on that tiny area you touched and re-contaminate their meat. " OK, this has little to do with tattooing or body piercing, right? This is where this article applies to you.
If you do not know exactly what to do to prevent those fluids from touching and contaminating any other surfaces, you are putting lives at risk every time you tattoo or pierce someone, including yourself. When you tattoo someone, everything becomes contaminated. The ink is contaminated, the machine is contaminated, the needle is contaminated, the tube is contaminated, your gloves are contaminated and sometimes even the air around you is contaminated. Your work station is a hazard, your client is a hazard, your equipment are hazards and even that stick of deodorant you use can cross-contaminate from one client to the next. Germs, bacteria and blood-borne pathogens are everywhere. You can't see them, you can't prevent them - the only thing you can do is prevent them from becoming a threat to you and your customers. If you don't know how to do that, then you have no right putting a tattoo needle or piercing needle to anyone's skin, period.
This is an example proper setup

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