A Day in Photos.
Every morning I wait for Pella to wake up, and when she does I get her out of her crib and bring her into bed me, we snuggle and watch Yo gabba gabba on the ipad until we both are ready to start our day!
Every morning I wait for Pella to wake up, and when she does I get her out of her crib and bring her into bed me, we snuggle and watch Yo gabba gabba on the ipad until we both are ready to start our day!

We got Aunty Kelly's Christmas card in the mail, and I asked Pella where "Big Lar" was and here she is pointing to Big Lar...so cute!

Lovely Day outside today, so I put Peej in the swing so I could do a little clean up in my backyard, and feed the dogs

We went to Toys R Us ...and I picked up Peej her two Christmas gifts from Santa; a baby doll (b/c what little girl doesnt have a baby?) and a Bath Tug boat for the bath!

After Toys r Us we went to Marshall's Bodacious BBQ and I had a sandwich and salad, Peej had some Turkey/sweet potatoes...and some of my garlic bread! :)

Heres some goodies I picked up for 8 teenage foster girls for christmas goodie bags! always feels good to give back!

Put Peejers to bed and wrapped all my Christmas gifts!
Its OFFICIAL Christmas in the Friedrich home is COMPLETE!
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