So; I'm back home, happily married and dead tired and damn jet lagged. So before I go ahead with anything else - let's start this with a good ol' give away for all of you:One of you has the chance to win a beautiful origami head piece from Tyra Therman.
One of Tyra's signature pieces, she has been making these origami fascinators for years already. The fascinator is attached to a metal headband with soft, canvas covered edges for more comfortable wear. You can get them - and her other items - from her shop Punavuoren Putiikki or via MadeBy here and here. (<-clicketi click for more info).
As usual, in order to enter you need to leave me a comment on this post and make sure you are reachable to me trough that comment in one way or another. As the winner will be drawn randomly you may only leave me one comment - if you come back to add some info you missed out in the first one I will delete the previous comment. However, if you link to this giveaway somewhere out there you may leave me another comment telling me you've done so and linking to said shout out.
You know what to do!
The competition will be open for a week in other words, closing the last day of June.
And as always the give away is open to everyone.
Good luck!
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